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Save The Date in 2024

Upcoming SAS Events Oct. 16th – SAS Book Club Oct. 19th – Busy Beaver Rendezvous Oct....

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Book Club




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Field Trips


Field Trips TBA

Check back to find out about future field trips and our slate of Christmas Bird Counts.



From The President

MESSAGE from SAS PRESIDENT, CHRIS NIXON Now that we are officially into fall, learn how you can...

Bird Notes


Volunteer At The Wetlands

Wetland Calendar – 2024

Recent Bird Sightings

Oct. 14th – American Dipper, Glen Lake Rotary Park

Oct. 13th– Williamson’s Sapsucker, No. Black

Oct. 13th– Canvasback, Davis Lane Pond

Current SAS Newsletter

2024 Bridger Raptor Count – Daily Totals

Oct. 14th (Total for the season)

Turkey Vulture – 0 (40)
Osprey – 0 (18)
Bald Eagle – 0 (36)
Northern Harrier – 0 (83)
Sharp-shinned Hawk – 6 (413)
Cooper’s Hawk – 1 (583)
American Goshawk – 0 (23)
Broad-winged Hawk – 0 (211)
Red-tailed Hawk – 2 (198)
Rough-legged Hawk – 0 (7)
Swainson’s Hawk – 0 (11)
Ferruginous Hawk – 0 (5)
Golden Eagle – 24 (465)
American Kestrel – 2 (153)
Merlin – -1  (27)
Peregrine Falcon – 0 (19)
Prairie Falcon – 1 (22)
Unknown Accipiter – 0 (13)
Unknown Buteo –  0 (1)
Unknown Falcon – 0 (2)
Unknown Eagle – 0 (1)
Unknown Raptor – 0 (28)

Total – 37  (2359)

Total Observer Hrs – 357.37

Bridger Raptor Count Blog

Bird-Safe Windows

Landscaping for Birds

Member Photo Gallery

Keep Cats Safe

Newsletter Archives

Find An Injured Bird?

Here are some handy numbers:

Big Sky Bird Rescue (songbirds) – (406) 580-9762

MT Raptor Conservation Center (raptors) – (406) 585-1211

WJH Bird Resources (waterfowl), Billings – (406) 652-7175

National Audubon Society

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