Sacajawea Audubon Society has begun a new program to address the issue of free-roaming domestic cats and their impact on birds. It’s called “Keep Cats Safe” and includes educational information on keeping cats indoors, creating an outdoor enclosure or “catio”, and walking your cat on a leash. It’s been well-documented that owned free-roaming cats are the number one human-caused mortality of wild birds, killing approximately 2.4 billion each year in the U.S. alone.

In addition to depredating birds, outside cats are at an increased risk of disease, predation by other animals, or being hit by a vehicle. Help our wild birds by becoming a responsible cat owner. Keep your cat inside or in an outdoor enclosure. If you like to walk with your kitty, consider using a harness, or carry them in a backpack or stroller. There are many great options available. Containing cats is an easy way to provide cats with healthy, safe lives while reducing needless bird and other wildlife deaths.

Resources for cat owners:

Cats, Birds & You (informational brochure)

Catio Spaces website

Playing With Your Cat

Harness Training A Cat

American Bird Conservancy – Cats Indoors

Check out some of our members’ catios around Bozeman!