We are so sad to hear of the passing of our dear friend and fellow Sacajawea Audubon Society member, Jim Belli. Jim was a dedicated naturalist, constantly learning and studying all aspects of nature and furthering his knowledge with classes at the Yellowstone Institute. He enjoyed putting his birding skills to good use helping with the Important Bird Area (IBA) Surveys in the Madison Valley. And Jim was a consummate “burdock warrior” (a “burdock whacker” as he liked to say!), never passing up the opportunity to volunteer to make the community more bird-friendly and attractive.
Everyone who knew Jim enjoyed his sharp wit and friendship. He often signed his emails with “Happy trails to you.” We will miss you Jim, and wish you Happy Trails in the great hereafter. Donations can be made to Sacajawea Audubon Society in Jim’s honor at https://sacajaweaaudubon.org/donate

Jim (upper left), poses with fellow SAS volunteers after removing burdock at the “M” Trail.