Red-tailed Hawk, Gallatin Valley
March 6th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and March 8th all day
Sharpen your raptor identification skills! This program will be presented by Steve Hoffman, Founder of HawkWatch International and Coordinator of the annual Bridger Raptor Migration Project.
The Thursday night presentation will start at 6:30 PM, and conclude by 8:30 PM; at the Hope Lutheran Church on Graf off of S. 19th Avenue in Bozeman. Steve will provide a detailed discussion of the identification and natural history of all relatively common and widespread diurnal raptor species (e.g., hawks, eagles, falcons, etc.) found in Gallatin Valley. Steve’s PowerPoint-illustrated talk will include descriptions of the many plumage variations -including color morphs as well as age and sex variations- of the most common and observable species. Helpful behavioral clues (i.e., manner of flight, preferred habitat, etc.) will also be incorporated. Golden and Bald Eagles and the “buteo” hawks, such as Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks will be emphasized.
Saturday’s field trip on March 8th at 8:00 AM will meet at Museum of the Rockies (NE end of Parking Lot).Be sure to dress for the weather and bring any necessary drinks or snacks for this 5-6 hour field excursion. If you have a spotting scope you wish to bring, that would be most helpful.
Fee: $40 fee for Sacajawea Audubon Society members (only $20 for participants under age 25)
$65 for non-members (this includes a $25 Sacajawea Audubon Society membership).
There will be a strict 20-person limit for the field trip. Advance reservation and payment are required. Early registration is strongly advised!
For more information and to register visit: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/YzMAsse6lRiQORiySz_LLw

Steve Hoffman