Photo by Holly Pippel
Here is your chance to sponsor a kestrel nest box and learn more about our smallest falcon—the American Kestrel. This is a fun way to support Sacajawea Audubon Society’s Kestrel Nest Box Project as well as our other many conservation projects.
Sponsorship costs $50 per year per box and you can sponsor as many boxes as you like. Once you have signed up, we will assign you a box number and as the kestrel nesting season begins you will periodically receive emailed updates, photos, and stories from the field.
At the end of the season we will send out a complete list and summary of all the boxes, including the box sponsor’s names and information on nesting activity, hatching, and nestling success. 96 Kestrel chicks plus 2 Northern Saw-whet Owls fledged from our boxes in 2024!
A kestrel box sponsorship makes a great eco-friendly gift or you can sponsor a box in memory of a loved one. The money raised will fund the expenses of maintaining the kestrel program as well as Sacajawea Audubon Society’s numerous other conservation projects: Bird-friendly Landscaping, Bird Safe Windows, support of Golden Eagle research, and conducting various bird surveys.
We hope you will consider sponsoring one or more boxes at $50 each. You can sign up for a kestrel box sponsorship by donating online at:
www.sacajaweaaudubon.org/sponsor-a-kestrel-nest-box or simply fill out the form below and send with a check to:
Sacajawea Audubon Society
PO Box 1711
Bozeman, MT 59771
Thank you!
I’d like to sponsor a Kestrel Nest Box in 2025!
NAME ________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ________________________________________________________________________________________
# BOXES SPONSORED __________ x $50 = AMOUNT ENCLOSED $________________________
IN MEMORY OF: _____________________________________