The Wetland Preservation Project Committee is working diligently to tie up the final details on the IAWP wetland restoration. As you likely know, the main railroad runs right through the IAWP. While we wait for a response from Montana Rail Link/Burlington Northern before we are able to proceed with construction, the wildlife are actively enjoying the spring weather.
As you walk the trail along the berm, you will see three photo stations. Help us document the changes to the wetland by taking a photo—following instructions—and uploading your photo to the internet.
The IAWP beavers have been at work! The beaver lodge at the end of the berm is now surrounded by a bit of open water. Geese and Sandhill Cranes are selecting nesting areas. Several duck species have been spotted.
The calendar is filling up with summer activities at the wetland as part of our education mission. Please check and watch your email for opportunities throughout the summer. And don’t forget to attend a Friday morning bird walk (see box below). You can watch the wetland awaken!
Finally, please consider volunteering for the IAWP by becoming an IAWP Busy Beaver. Visit for more information and to sign up for the IAWP Busy Beavers 2023 Volunteer Team. Thank you!

Wood Duck Photo Station View. Courtesy Loreene Reid.