Now that we are officially into fall, learn how you can save yourself time and energy and greatly help out birds and the insects they depend upon by reading the Garden Buzz article on page 10.

While there are good uses for plastics, far too many are wasteful, unnecessary, and downright harmful. Read about one easy action we can take to cut back on the amount of plastics we use and thus cut down on the harmful microplastics we unwittingly inflict on the environment, wildlife, and our own bodies. See page 9.

How can you help protect the local bear population? By preventing them from being drawn into town and harm’s way in their search for high calorie food scraps and birdseed. See page 3.

Who’s counting calories….LOL….not the bears? But…save the high calorie intake for members of SAS during our monthly meeting. Please consider signing up to provide treats at one of our upcoming monthly meetings! In fact, we are still in search of a new Hospitality Chair to help coordinate the treats for our monthly meetings. See that article page 11. Could you be the hostest/host with the mostest? And if you are counting calories….once a month at the SAS meeting is a good time to make a rare exception. Just so you are not a bear!

Speaking of monthly meetings, don’t miss our upcoming membership meeting on Monday, October 14th as Frank Etzler, Entomologist with the Montana Department of Agriculture, informs us about the host of amazing beetle species that inhabit Montana, and possibly your yard. You will be learning about some of the myriad of insects that you could be protecting by reading the first article I mentioned above in paragraph one.

So, like everything in nature, this message has come full circle. We hope to see you at the next membership meeting and at the numerous other SAS activities going on this month – but, you’ve got to read the newsletter to find out what else you don’t want to miss, like Raptor Fest, Wetland Halloween, and our Bloodcurling Botany Trivia Night!