SAS Monthly Program: Monday, October 14 at Hope Lutheran Church

The Wild, Wonderful World of Beetles with Frank Etzler 

Beetles are everywhere! This talk will introduce you to the wild and wonderful world of beetles (Order Coleoptera). We’ll explore aspects of beetles that make them so diverse, including ranges in their size, behaviors, and life cycles that approach the bizarre! We’ll also touch upon impacts beetles have on human society, from mythology to music to plain old pests. You’ll leave with a new appreciation and understanding of the wonderful insects we call beetles.

About Our Speaker

Frank Etzler is the Natural Resource Section Manager and State Survey Coordinator for the Montana Department of Agriculture. Before joining the Department of Agriculture, he did his graduate studies and taught courses at Montana State University in Bozeman and Postdoctoral studies at Clemson University. He is an Entomologist and specializes in beetles, particularly those commonly known as click-beetles, and has 19 publications. He has been with the Montana Department of Agriculture since December 2020. He has been fortunate enough to have visited all 56 Montana counties.

To attend virtually, please register at After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The in-person meeting will be held at Hope Lutheran Church, 2152 West Graf. (off S 19th). A social begins at 6:30 PM; the program begins at 7:00 PM. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own reusable cups.

Attendees -whether in person or virtual- are encouraged to share their bird sightings at this and every monthly program.

SAS monthly programs are free and open to the public, featuring a special guest speaker the 2nd Monday of each month, September through May. For more information, contact Ken Sinay at