By Lou Ann Harris & Beth Madden
A recent study by the American Bird Conservancy, Fordham University, NYC Bird Alliance, and Stony Brook University, has uncovered new evidence that building collisions are killing significantly more birds than previously estimated. Well over a billion birds are killed annually just in the United States. The new research shows that only 40 percent of birds injured in building collisions and brought to rehabilitators survive.
This means that, in addition to all the birds that die instantly after a collision, the waxwing or robin that hits your window and flies off is more likely to die than previously thought. The big picture here is that the loss of more than a billion birds a year in the U.S. is not a sustainable number, and the steep decline in bird populations around the world is a direct result.
While many of the bird strikes occur on high-rise buildings, about half of the billion bird deaths occur on residential windows, making homeowners a vital part of the solution. Luckily, there are many window treatments that are fairly inexpensive and easy to apply that will allow us to be part of the solution. Exterior window treatments such as Acopian Bird Savers or Feather Friendly deterrent markers have been shown to dramatically decrease bird strikes. For new residential and commercial construction, bird-friendly glass such as ORNILUX mikado can be installed.

Window treated with Feather Friendly decals.
A related issue is the disorienting effect of artificial light on night-migrating birds. Concentrations of bright light affects a birds’ normal flight path, drawing them towards the light, and contributing to collisions. So, reducing artificial light at night can help reduce collisions tremendously. TIP: Turn off all exterior flood lights at night during migration.
For more details on bird-friendly window solutions, visit Sacajawea Audubon Society’s Bird Safe Window page:
Source: American Bird Conservancy