Participants at the Spooky Stroll
In 2023 the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve saw an abundance of stewardship activities that met our vision and goals. Our urban wetland is serving as an environmental study area offering education about wetland ecology accessible to all ages. Our vision is to document the effect of human influence on wetland communities and inspire the conservation, restoration, and enhancement of wetlands.
The Wetland Preservation Project Committee is working hard to finalize the restoration planning and the Sacajawea Wetland Mitigation Bank. The following provides a brief snapshot of our progress on the restoration planning, construction timeframes, and the proposed wetland mitigation bank.
Wetland Restoration Planning and Design
Recent Accomplishments
SAS worked with the City of Bozeman and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) to finalize plans for temporary construction access for the restoration and enhancement of the IAWP.
SAS has been working with adjacent landowners to provide additional land buffers to the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve. This will assist in the protection of the wetland including possible incorporation into the overall site management by SAS.
Current Restoration Challenges
Our main roadblock to beginning the restoration and enhancement of the IAWP, as planned, is the Montana Rail Link (MRL) lease agreements. Restoration construction timeframe has been pushed to the fall of 2024, with the hope that lease agreements will be finalized within the next few months.
If lease agreements with MRL require a redesign, there could be an estimated additional cost in the range of $35,000 and a loss of some wetland functions. For this reason, SAS feels strongly that a site visit by the engineer(s) commenting on the design is warranted. Repeated attempts to have currently employed MRL and/or Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) engineers visit the site have been unsuccessful and have not been acknowledged.
It is important to note that during our initial review of the conceptual plan with a former MRL engineer in 2019, the feedback provided was enthusiastically positive with no concerns raised. In fact, the feedback provided at that time acknowledged the benefits of the proposed restoration work to the railroad in terms of water control, reduced wildlife mortality, and increased safety–all of which were used to inform the current design.
Wetland Mitigation Banking
Recent Accomplishments
The wetland mitigation banking prospectus and draft wetland mitigation plan have been reviewed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Interagency Review Team (IRT). Comments have been received from the USACE and the IRT with most having been addressed.
Montana Land Reliance (MLR) has developed a draft conservation easement that is in compliance with the USACE requirements, and that will serve to protect and preserve the site into perpetuity.
Montana Freshwater Partners has worked with SAS to set up a management plan for the Sacajawea Wetland Bank. This includes identification of the correct insurance group, type of insurance, and appropriate level of bonding and insurance needed that is commensurate with the level of risk posed by the restoration actions.
Current Wetland Bank Challenges
Because the design cannot be finalized until MRL/BNSF provides a site inspection, the current wetland mitigation plan cannot be finalized as proposed.
USACE has stated that restoration actions cannot be completed until the wetland mitigation plan has been finalized and signed.
Request from SAS President Chris Nixon
Protecting this wetland and creating a wetland mitigation bank continues to be an arduous, long, and demanding process. If this was a simple matter, others would have undertaken this responsibility before us and there would be many more remaining functional and productive wetlands within Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley. Dedicated SAS Board Members, SAS Wetland Conservation Committee members, volunteers, and partner organizations have made huge strides in protecting the remaining wetlands at the IAWP and in the Gallatin River Watershed. We have truly made wetland protection a priority as never before in the Gallatin River drainage. Your continued support both financially and otherwise is critical to protecting our rare remaining wetlands.
Please consider making a monetary gift to the IAWP. If your finances do not permit giving financially, please consider joining the IAWP Busy Beavers. Every contribution you make of your funds and of your time is impactful for wetland preservation in the Gallatin Valley! Thank You from our Hearts!
Thank you for supporting the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve!
We need your help to create the largest restored urban wetland in Montana! We envision this project becoming an oasis in our urban setting where one can find the tranquility that wetlands offer.
Donate using the QR code, or online at www.bozemanwetlands.org/WP/donate/