SAS Events Calendar

Annual Festivals
World Migratory Bird Day is a celebration of our planet’s major migratory bird corridors. This 2-day May festival features films and family activities.
Every June, birders across Montana gather at unique locations. To learn more about the annual Wings Across the Big Sky Bird Festival please visit: or call 406-443-3949.
October is time for the Bridger Raptor Festival at Bridger Bowl in conjunction with our annual Bridger Mountains Raptor Survey. This 3-day festival is FREE and features lots of fun family activities, speakers & live raptors.

Field Trips
Sacajawea Audubon Society offers over 30 field trips and bird walks year around for anyone interested in birds. All birding abilities are welcome.
Join Sacajawea Audubon guides for Friday morning bird walks each spring at the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve.
Sacajawea Audubon Society, and the City of Bozeman offer free guided bird walks each spring at the Story Mill Community Park. Come and explore the nature sanctuary within the park, view the award winning wetlands restoration, and enjoy the many bird species that call the Story Mill area their home.
Every year SAS features a Spring Birding Series which are half- or full-day outings. Fall and late winter field trips are also offered. Check the Events link on the SAS website.

Monthly Meetings
The May meeting is the annual potluck membership gathering that also features a short program, plus board member elections.