Black-necked Stilt at Sunrise on Freeze Out Lake, Montana. Photo: Doug McSpadden

HELENA – Waterfowl season across Montana opens on Sept. 30, which is a reminder for hunters and bird enthusiasts alike about the importance of wetland habitat for migrating waterfowl and other wetland dependent species.

This year Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks launched a new Migratory Bird Stamp to help raise awareness about the importance of wetland habits across the state. The new stamp is commemorative only and not required to hunt in Montana. Every person who purchases a 2024 Migratory Bird Stamp will receive a free collectable sticker showing the winning artwork, information about the Migratory Bird Wetland Program and information about how to make additional contributions.

The new Migratory Bird Stamp also helps to raise awareness about the work FWP does with private landowners and other conservation partners to conserve and enhance wetland habitat. FWP’s Migratory Bird Wetland Program helps landowners and other conservation partners develop and fund projects that conserve, enhance, restore or create high-quality wetland habitat.

Wetland restoration projects are critical for many wildlife and aquatic species and for agriculture operation enhancements like flood control, groundwater recharge, stock water management, irrigation efficiencies and dependable water sources. (To see more about how this program works for landowners and wildlife, click here to watch a recent video.)

The art contest for the 2025 Montana Migratory Bird Stamp will begin in October. More information on this contest will be issued in the coming weeks.

The new stamp program is supported by conservation partners the Montana Outdoor Legacy Foundation, Montana Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and Montana Audubon. These organizations contributed to the prize money for the 2024 art contest as well as help to promote the Migratory Bird Wetland Program.

For more information on FWP’s Migratory Bird Wetland Program and to see artwork submitted for the 2024 contest, click here.

If you value wetland restoration and conservation and want to contribute, a simple way is to purchase a migratory bird license, which also requires a conservation license and a base hunting license. If you would like to donate to wetland restoration and conservation, go to the Montana Outdoor Legacy Foundation website. Here you will also be able to purchase a commemorative print of this year’s winning artwork for $150, with the money going to wetland conservation and restoration efforts.