Participants in all trips will meet at the front parking lot of the Museum of the Rockies at 6:45 a.m. and leave at 7:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted. Car pools will be arranged at the museum; an offer to help with gas to the person driving is always appreciated but not mandatory. Dress for the weather; good footwear is a must as field trip conditions are not always dry. For the sake of other participants and in repsect to the trip leader, please turn off your cell phones and keep unnecessary conversations to a minimum while birding. Some field trips are limited to a certain number of participants. Contact the trip leader for more details about any trip, and to sign up for the trip. We encourage beginning birders to participate. Come have a good time and learn something new.
May 7: Mount Ellis
Leader: Matt Keefer, 556-0639
(4 to 5-hour trip; moderately strenuous walking)
We will explore a variety of habitats including grassland, aspen meadow and conifer forest edge, while we look for early spring migrants such as Red-naped Sapsucker, Orange-crowned Warblers, and several species of sparrows, among many others.
May 15: Triple Tree Trail
Leader: John Parker, 586-5863
(4 to 5 hour trip; moderately strenuous walking)
This trail passes through a number of habitats, and transitional edges between them. From grassland sparrows to forest woodpeckers, the trail has a wide diversity of bird species. Lincoln's Sparrow, Swainson's Thrush and Western Tanager are expected on this walk. 12 person limit.
May 21: Sourdough Nature Trail
Leader: Andrew Guttenberg 585-2623
(3-hour trip; easy walking)
After leaving the MOR parking lot, this trip will begin at the Goldenstein entrance. The trail is an easy, level stroll following Sourdough Creek. This trip is at the peak of spring migration so we should see and hear a variety of flycatchers, thrushes and warblers. 12 person limit.
May 28: Mission Creek
Leader: Robin Wolcott, 582-0070
(Until mid-afternoon; bring a lunch)
After leaving Bozeman, we will meet at Albertson's parking lot in Livingston at 7:30 a.m. and then leave from there at 7:45 a.m. Car-pooling is essential.
In rolling prairie we may find McCown's Longspur, Long-billed Curlew, and raptors. In the Mission Creek Valley we will watch for Wild Turkeys and listen for warblers, and watch for crossbills in the spruce forest. On the return trip we may see Lark Buntings. We have seen over 110 species along this route, including Sprague's Pipit, Upland Sandpiper, and Broad-winged Hawk.
June 3-5: Please join us at the 2011 Montana Audubon Bird Festival in Glasgow, MT.
Contact Montana Audubon at (406) 443-3949 or go to Come join the fun.
June 11: Trail Creek to Battle Ridge
Leader: Jeff Pentel, 586-3534
(Until mid-afternoon; bring a lunch)
We travel through a variety of habitats, from lowland riparian to juniper woodlands and high-altitude forest, focusing on birding by sound and sight. We have seen 65-85 species on this trip, including Ovenbird, Cordilleran Flycatcher, and Broad-tailed Hummingbird. At Battle Ridge Campground we have seen Black-backed Woodpeckers and Williamson's Sapsuckers. Walking is easy, and a spotting scope would be helpful for viewing waterfowl and shorebirds at Cottonwood Reservoir
June 18: Bridger Bowl
Leader: Lou Ann Harris, 600-3585
This half-day field trip will take us on a hike through the coniferous forest and wildflower meadows at Bridger Bowl Ski Area. Species we hope to find include: Western Tanager, Lincoln's and White-crowned Sparrows, both Kinglet species, Steller's Jay and Yellow-rumped Warbler. Dusky Grouse, Williamson's Sapsucker and Three-toed Woodpecker are also possible. Most of the hike will be on an old logging road, with some steep sections. Wear appropriate clothes and shoes for hiking. 12 person limit.
June 25: Kelly Canyon
Leader: Ron Farmer, 586-3987
(driving and walking along gravel roads)
This trip passes through open fields, then climbs past dry juniper covered hillsides, mature wetlands, mixed woodlands, and eventually reaches into the conifer forest. Bluebirds, towhees, kingbirds, hummingbirds, warblers, grosbeaks, and tanagers are just a few of the species that we should see along this route. Four car limit.
This summer, check this page for leader's choice field trips in late July and August.